Re-imagining Retirement

Classes and Workshops

Thelma Kidd, MSW
Life Transitions Coaching

Men and women age 65 today have an average of over 20 years left to live. In fact, one in four will live into their 90’s! It is important to have a clear vision of what you want from this chapter of your life. Rather than viewing your last chapter as one of decline, would you like to think about ways you can make your life full and meaningful? How do you want to spend your time? Who are you other than the position you have at work? If you are leaving a career, what do you want to take with you?  What are you ready to leave behind?  What do you have to offer now?

Thelma offers 1-2 hour classes and presentations, "Day for Taking Stock" workshops, and weekend retreats.  Depending on the format, you will experience a short introduction to a full emersion in the important topic of who and how you want to be in this phase of your life.

Along with others who are contemplating the next chapter of their lives,we will look together at the challenges of the transition from a more structured time of life to an open period where the form of your life will change.   

Regardless of where you are in the process of “retirement” – just beginning to think about it, on the verge of leaving full-time employment, considering going back to work, or anticipating full retirement – a planning workshop can be useful for you.  We will look at the challenges various stages of retirement present and how you can best go about planning the next phase of your life, based on your personal values and passions.

The day-long workshops and weekend retreats will be spent on creating a vision for this next chapter of your life and on specific steps to make that vision a reality.


A Day for Taking Stock -- Re-Imagining Retirement

November 16, 2019

No weekend retreats are scheduled at this time

but check back or ask to be added to my mailing list!

For more info or to register: contact Thelma at 615-300-4552 or

Thelma Kidd
Life Transitions Coach
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